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Our Services

Medical Practice Mastery is a Provider Service Organization (PSO),
established to provide all necessary services to support provider practices.

OurĀ Stats


Average Annual Claims Submission


Average A/R Days


Average Annual Charges


Average Annual Net Collections

Our Services

High Quality Services for You

Revenue Cycle Management

Our comprehensive medical billing services are designed to streamline the billing process, maximize revenue, and alleviate the administrative burden for healthcare practices.

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MPM willĀ credential providers with Commercial, Medicare and Medicaid plans.Ā Need hospital credentialing done?Ā MPM can do that too! Out team will be with you every step of the way.


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Healthcare Consulting

Our Consultants are here for you! Have questions about medical billing? Practice Operations? Staffing? We can help get your questions answered so you can get back to patient care.

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Practice Start-Up

Starting a medical practice can feel like a daunting task, but it does not have to be. MPM offers a medical practice start-up kit and an expert to guide you through this journey.Ā 

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Administrative Support

MPM has experience Administrative Support staff who understand the power of customer service and how to run and manage the front end of your medical practice.

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MPM has really done a great job growing my practice and consulting me operationally to ensure I achieve success every year.

Eugene Fletcher, DO